Turn Your Life Into a Newsletter – Here's Why

Ever thought a simple email could transform your network? Time for a quarterly connection.

Hey! I’d love to know what you thought of this week’s post. Mind giving a click at the bottom when you’re done? Thx!

I'll let you in on a little secret—back in the day, I was more comfortable spilling my thoughts onto a blog than chatting someone up - literally anyone.

And guess what? That habit turned into one of my greatest assets.

Let's talk about the unsung hero of networking: proactive sharing.

From Blog to Bonding

In high school and college, my blog was my outlet. It was where I shared what I was up to, processed emotions, and the odd thoughts that would normally disappear into the ether. My friends used to joke that they didn't need to catch up with me—they just read my blog. Fast forward to today, and that same principle of proactive sharing has become a cornerstone of deepening my relationships.

Relationships are built on knowing one other. Their recent career change, and that they still wear their Taylor Swift bracelet wherever they go. The fact that they recently read 10X is better than 2X, and refuse to eat anything with cilantro.

Because idle chatter doesn’t happen as often anymore, it’s hard to know these seemingly mundane details.

The Quarterly Connection

Here's a tactic I swear by: a personal newsletter. Think of it as a blog post sent straight to the inboxes of your network. Every quarter or month, share the essence of your life—your adventures, your readings, your reflections. It's not just an update; it's an invitation into your world.

The beauty of this approach? It's a two-way street. People respond. Conversations start. Bonds strengthen. And before you know it, your network is not just a list of contacts, but a community of shared stories. This has been my experience for the past five years.

Your Action Plan

Start your own version of proactive sharing. It doesn't have to be polished or perfect—it just has to be you. Share your journey, and watch as the simple act of keeping your network in the loop pays dividends in deepened connections.

To the power of sharing and the networks it nourishes,


P.S. If you're wondering whether your story is worth sharing, I'm here to tell you—it is. Your journey is as unique as you are, and there's someone out there who can't wait to hear about it.

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