The message you’re dreading.

And the one that can change your life.

Before we get into today’s issue… this weekend’s barbaric attack on Israel was - among all the tragic news pouring in - the most deadly killing of Jews since the Holocaust.

I am shaken and at a loss for words. And I know I’m not alone.

I truly believe that one of the root causes of the pain and anger we see in the world comes from disconnection. The more we see the humanity in each other, the more we will treat each other as if they were our own blood.

Check in on the people around you to see how they’re doing and offer support. Much love.

Welcome to all of you who have joined in the past few weeks. If you’re opening this for the first time, or you’ve been so engrossed in Succession that you forgot what this is about - I write weekly on insights and tactics around building an incredible network of clients, collaborators, and community.

Ever been caught in the headlights of a question you didn't want to answer?

I live for those moments.

One of my favorite things to do is ask my coaching clients, "Who have you been avoiding talking to?" Even though they usually have just their head and upper torso on camera, I can watch their whole body squirm.

Why? Because I know that the discomfort they're feeling is a gateway to untapped potential.

One person shared last week that they hadn’t spoken with one of their largest clients for two years, because the CEO had passed away during the pandemic, and they didn’t want to come across as salesy.

I can't tell you how much joy it brings me with what comes next. Not because I enjoy their discomfort, but because I’ve held the hands of hundreds with what comes next.

I make them send a text message or email right then and there. Rarely is any of the dozens of excuses acceptable. They send it.

And you know what? The sky doesn't fall. The world doesn't end. Instead, they often find that the stories they've been telling themselves—the fear, the hesitation, the self-doubt—are just that: stories.

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

We're masters of self-sabotage, spinning tales in our heads that keep us from reaching out. "They're too busy for me," "I have nothing valuable to offer," "It’s been so long." Sound familiar? These narratives are often the biggest roadblocks in our path to success and meaningful connections.

Your Challenge

So, who have you been avoiding? I challenge you to send that text or make that call today. Don’t worry about what to say - just say hi and you thought of them recently. You'll likely find that the other person is just as eager to reconnect, and you'll break free from the self-imposed barriers holding you back.

In my years of doing this specific exercise, I have yet to hear of a negative or awkward response.

To bring this home - I was leading a group through this, reaching out to past clients, failed deals, and tense vendor relationships. As we were wrapping up and getting ready to move on, one participant came off mute, and felt that she had momentarily gained enough confidence talking to people she had been avoiding… she then reached out to her mother she hadn’t spoken to in nearly 20 years. Everyone cheered for her - it was me who awkwardly stumbled through a response, stricken by my complete lack of readiness for something that big and emotional.

The only thing standing between you and a rekindled connection - of any kind - is the 'Send' button. Press it.


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