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Pull back the curtain and engage more.

Welcome to all of you who have joined in the past few weeks. If you’re opening this for the first time, - I write weekly on insights and tactics around building an incredible network of clients, collaborators, and community. If you’ve been reading this for a while, thanks for sticking around!

Consider the last time you met someone you didn't know very well.

What if you knew right away that they had just returned from a trip to Portugal with their family, had bid farewell to their family dog, and were currently investigating a new business venture?

How much more could you discuss with them?

What if they had similar information about you?

Last question before I go: what if they had actually contacted you because they had discovered the above?

Most of our professional contacts are motivated by a transactional need - pursuing a sale, exploring a business relationship, seeking insights, and so on.

Yet the more we know about each other, the more we connect, trust, and transform it into a generative relationship.

So how do you help people know about you?

I’ll share one of my favorite tools.

Taking Action

Take a look at Go on, I’ll wait.

Static /about pages get stale quickly, and social media feeds often don’t capture what’s really interesting.

The best addition to my online presence is a /now page. It’s so simple and genius in concept, which is why I love it. Just create a page somewhere and, every so often, update it with what’s going on in your life. I use the specific frame “What would I be open to talking about with someone who doesn’t yet know me well?”

  • What are you working on?

  • What are you interested in right now?

  • What are you reading or watching?

Sharing this anywhere someone might go to learn about you helps guide your next conversation, and therefore the relationship. Put this in your email signature, personal site, and social media presence.

It won’t just improve the next meeting in your calendar - it’ll cause people to reach out. I’ve seen this many times.

Further Reading

Michael Roderick is one of those people I’ve come across that lives and breathes relationships. He has produced a great post on the path to generating more referrals. Check it out.

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