never send another article without this

helping navigate the knowledge flood

I write weekly about the strategies, habits, and tactics around cultivating the connections that matter to you.

I remember a time when my grandmother would send me newspaper clippings that she thought would be relevant.

Nowadays, if she were to send me a newspaper article, I would both be annoyed and confused. Annoyed because the last thing I need is another thing in my inbox to read. And confused, because she passed away a few years ago.

No matter where you look or what you do, there’s just SO much information out there, and turning that information into something useful is no easy thing these days

Let's face it. We live in a world that's inundated with information—where wisdom is just a click away—we find ourselves facing a paradox.

It wasn’t too long ago that we’d fork over our hard-earned cash for classes to gain insights. Now, everything from books and podcasts to YouTube tutorials and, yes, even cave stone carvings (shout out to our ancestors for their resourcefulness) is available at our fingertips. And let’s not forget about AI, serving us the world’s knowledge on a silver platter with just a simple question!

But amidst this knowledge tsunami, one crucial question arises: How do we provide value?

As I've observed in my own work, the real shift lies not just in sharing knowledge but in fostering transformation. It's not enough to merely hand over information; we need to empower others to become better versions of themselves.

Think About This:

  • Instead of sending an article, schedule a conversation to discuss the key insights, helping them to digest and apply the information in real time.

  • Instead of sharing a workout link, say, “Hey, I’ll join you on your next workout. Let’s do this together.” You’re not just giving them steps; you’re showing up and becoming a part of the process.

  • Instead of handing over productivity tips, walk them through your own struggles and successes with the technique, helping them tailor it to their life.

The essence of real growth lies in engagement and experience. Let’s invite transformation into our relationships and interactions, moving beyond the endless cycle of information-sharing to create meaningful impact.

As we navigate this era of knowledge overload, remember: it’s not just about what we know, but how we can help others evolve.

Let’s make a commitment to be the catalysts for transformation in our spheres.

Much love,


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