Do this in December

Look back to look forward

I write weekly about the strategies, habits, and tactics around cultivating the connections that matter to you.

Let’s jump right in. Take out your calendar - whether it’s in your browser, on your phone, or paper¹.

Scroll back to January 2nd, 2023.

Who did you meet with that week? ~11 months later, what do you think of them? Have you spoken to them since? Would you want to maintain that relationship?

Awesome. Add them to your CRM.

Now send an email to them (or text if you prefer) - “Hey! Long time no talk. Hope all is well. Would love to reconnect before the end of the year.”

That’s it.

This is something I do every December as part of my yearly review process.


I’m big on identifying who we want to intentionally stay in touch with. Our brains aren’t that great at remembering who we really liked and when we last spoke, so it’s inevitable that a lot of people slip through the cracks.

While I review a few times a week my recent contacts (you can too!) - I still miss people. So taking a couple hours to do this at the end of the year is a worthwhile endeavor.

There’s an added bonus - the longer it’s been, the more you’ve had a chance to reflect. There will be people who you would dread talking to ever again, some who you can’t recall anything about… and some who you now realize you really hit it off with, and feel deep down that there’s something there. Yes, your intuition is your best guide.

And remember, we all lose touch. It might feel weird, but chances are, they’ll be happy to hear from you.

Until next week -


¹ really? still?

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