750 seconds to Nirvana

Think you need a Netflix binge's worth of time to network? Think again.

Welcome to all of you who have joined in the past few weeks. If you’re opening this for the first time, or you’re still spending most of your time trying to score Taylor Swift tickets - I write weekly on insights and tactics around cultivating connections with clients, collaborators, and your community.

Think you're too busy to cultivate your relationships today? What if it took less time than your coffee break?

When people join the second workshop in our program, one of the first questions I ask is “How many of you have spent more than three hours on a Sunday ‘organizing your database?’”

Every single hand goes up.

They may not realize it yet, but they just uncovered one of the biggest misconceptions we have.

You're swamped. Your calendar's a war zone. Forget the myth that you need hours to build relationships. What if I told you that 750 seconds a day could change the game?

The "I Need More Time" Fallacy

You've been duped into thinking you need an uninterrupted Netflix binge-worth of time to build meaningful relationships. Wrong. Consistency trumps duration, every single time. A mere 12.5 minutes daily—that's 750 seconds—can turn your contacts into allies, and your network into a fortress. The more time you think you need, the harder it is to squeeze in to an already-full day.

The Domino Effect of Micro-Actions

You don't need grand gestures to make an impact. A simple text asking how someone's project is going can spark a connection. Long lunches and extravagant gift baskets are forgotten after time. Small, consistent actions are your secret weapon.

Taking Action

What if you did this, right now?

  1. Commit to Consistency: Aim for 750 seconds (or 12.5 minutes) of networking daily. No excuses.

  2. Curate Your Circle: Review a few recent relationships or older connections, and flag the ones you want to spend more time with.

  3. Initiate Contact: Send a quick text, shoot an email, or even react to a LinkedIn post. Just make contact daily.

  4. Be a Human, Not a Bot: Ask about their latest project or the challenges they're facing. Listen. Engage. Repeat.

  5. Or Just Say Hi: A simple "Hey, hope you’re doing well." can go a long way.

So, what's stopping you? You've got 750 seconds. Use them wisely.

What's Your Kryptonite?

I want to hear from you. What's the one thing that holds you back from consistent networking?

To your success,


Further Reading

If you’re looking for a good overview, this post from HBR contains some useful insights.

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